Sunday, January 1, 2012

Update: Wireless Network, C compiler, and Terminal: on 1/1/12> 1am

2011: remember I was explaining in my first blog that one of my issues was my Internet connection would sometimes not load and give a "Page Not Loading" error? I have since joined as a member to the Ubuntu forums- specifically, and I use the aliases "Optima4", and "Pl3th0r4x". I asked for help with my Internet, and one of the members suggested I try this code.

sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source

echo "blacklist bcma" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 

echo "blacklist brcmsmac" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf 

echo "blacklist brcm80211" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d /blacklist.conf


 The reason I was instructed to run these commands is the type of hardware for my Gateway LT-27 netbook. Which is in all honesty not very much a bad computer at the bottom line, although, probably this is the most likely reason I am having so many issues with my Ubuntu installations. (The commands are all written in separate lines, one-by-one, just to be clear with simple results following the 'Enter' key after each.)

At first I was under the impression that my computer had been cleared of all incompatibilities. I thanked the user for his advice, and went about my day.  About 1-2hr into browsing I had to leave for a short while and shut down my PC. Upon returning restarting my computer a display of catastrophe projected! My desktop was in shambles! I have a 19" monitor hooked up to my netbook and the small monitor was squished with two thick black margins on each side, and on the other monitor all the icons were flat on top of each other ...which are all placed on different spaces normally.

Those weren't the only issues.

My menu bar at the top netbook screen was gone, the icons that normally rotate up and down on the left of the Ubuntu 11.10 interface were only half showing. I had also been having trouble with my Terminal previously I let a friend, a Debian user, stop by and he tried to set my Ubuntu Terminal up with some Debian commands which made my Terminal act glitchy. (I will explain more at the end.) Well, now my Terminal seemed to be fine, except it just looked like chaos behind the rest of the monitor. Not-to-mention my Internet stopped connecting on its own without rebooting several times, and then finally resulting in a reboot of my router.

I semi-fixed everything with my Display Settings, luckily. I also had to restart into Gnome and Alt+Right-Click "add panel", and then move to top, to re-add my menu bar. I was then instructed to remove these commands by:

sudo su

echo "blacklist acer_wmi" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf                                            


Pretty much either put things back to normal or at least gave me back my stable Internet.



My Terminal was acting funny from whatever codes I let my friend run.

I couldn't open new tabs, I couldn't copy and paste, and I was also having issues with Terminal "Always on Top".

When my desktop was destroyed and I had to kind of reset things, my Terminal seemed to function properly as a result. Here are a few things I learned after this>

Copy and Paste become:



Open a new tab in Teminal:




Will complete a command if you begin one and Terminal knows what you will want to input.

Right_Click on the Terminal menu bar                                                                                      

will change the setting from "Always on Top".


A quote I heard from someone is, "Linux assumes you know exactly what you are doing ."

Mine is, "The smarter I get the stupider I feel." Obviously, stupid"er" not being a real word.


C compiler

C is a programming language used to write coding such as HTML. Today it is widely used to create programs and such to create software.

One last note I wanted to make tonight was while trying to install the C compiler onto my Linux has been an issue since installing Linux. The issue is still not resolved, but it seems the answer is not far off.

I ran:

sudo aptitude install build-essential                                                                                

sudo gedit first.c                                                                                                                    

This is a typical answer what my code gave me as a result

(gedit:2977): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.EDN36V': No such file or directory 

This gave a few errors, but I wrote my code in the C compiler anyway.

I then ran the next command with these results in these orders:

cc -c first.c                                                               

first.c: In function ‘main’:
first.c:5:7: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘{’ token 

cc -o first first.c                                                             

first.c: In function ‘main’:
first.c:5:7: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘{’ token 


bash: ./file: No such file or directory 

Output should show as follows

Hello, world

... but it is not.

I also tried running this command to add "gcc". This is where you are to run the codes you input for C, and it has not worked currently.

sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential

The code written in C to build looks like this:

I guess the results should say "Hello world", but I have yet to achieve this since Linux is the first OS I have ever attempted to write in C.

The result I get are the last line of code in yellow.

 The last command I ran in Terminal is:

apt-get update && sudo apt-get install aptitude && sudo aptitude install build-essential

This showed promising results. When I retest later I think I may after have the "Hello World!" I am after.


Updates will be soon.

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